Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Well it's snowing here which is kinda fun. I'm glad that it's actually going to seem like winter.

No snowboarding yet but castle did open today and so as long as we can get some time and our boards waxed up we should be heading out there soon.

I'm working at Lethbridge Toyota as a Detail Tech which means I'm VERY good at cleaning cars now, and I'm quite enjoying my job.

So there you are a very very brief information blog.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Brake Lines... Well as of yesterday  when we woke up Pamela and I found that our front passenger break line had ben cut in a random malicious action. Theres' been a spree of this happening in Lethbridge Alberta lately apparently. So 102.99 later we have a new brake line and fluid and all that jazz, but also the fear that this kind of thing is going to happen again. Overall we're still doing great, but just had to vent somewhere about this random unjust act!

Drew Out~

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I can has Job now!

Well, my first day is tomorrow morning bright and early at 9:30 a.m. at Visions Electronics! I'm pretty darn stoked at this point! Let you know how it goes.

In finishing the cleanse news... I REALLY like Orange juice much better than the stuff we've been having.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 10 - Final Day

So Pamela and I have made it to day 10. Only 5 more glasses of the lemon juice concoction and then onto orange juice for two days followed by raw fruit and salad for a day before being allowed things like Pita's, Burgers, Milk! I'm so excited!

However I worked out again this morning and haven't felt hungry for a few days. Still not sleeping fantastic we'll see if that gets better when I get back into solid foods.

Point of interest - the longer the mix sits the hotter the cayenne becomes. Last night I went over to a buddies so I pre-mixed some lemonade and threw it in a water bottle. When it came to drinking it 3 hours later I felt like the cayenne was going to burrow out the back of my head! It's unavoidable, but something to prepare yourself for if you do this.

Final Results as of this morning for inches and weight lost...
Weight: 14 pounds
Waist: 5 inches
Hips: 3 inches
Chest: 3.5 inches
Legs: 3 inches
Butt: 3 inches
So it definitely works as a reduction cleanse.

Overall it's been a good experience, although one I won't be doing again for quite some time... :)

Pamela and I have been doing Menu Planning for the last week or so, drooling over foods we want, and trying to find a way of reducing our monthly food costs, eat out less often, and have healthy variety in our home. The idea is to try and get almost 2 weeks worth of menu planning done and that way shopping is less random :)

In order to track our health as well Pamela and I are going to continue to track our weight after the cleanse, and as of tomorrow are starting a 3 day regimen to come back onto solid foods. This means that tomorrow and the next day we will be drinking several glasses of Pure orange juice. The third day we will have the OJ for breakfast, raw fruit for lunch, and raw fruit OR salad for supper (we're assuming not covered in ranch) Now if at any point our body rejects this we are supposed to go back on the cleanse for a few days... we would not be pleased!

So in the end it's been a neat experience, never thought I could do a liquid diet for this long, but there it is. I feel like I've become more aware of my body, I feel better, and I'm really jazzed about this as a kick off to a healthier lifestyle. What truly prompted this for me was wake-boarding this summer. I just felt like it should have been easier, but with the shape I was in it just couldn't be. I just don't want unhealthiness to get in the way of things that I want to do.

In other news...
Still no word from visions.
Spore is the coolest game on the whole dang planet.
I need to get Leopard for my mac!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day 8, t-2 days... so long as my tongue cooperates...

Well day 8 twas a good day. Played for worship in church today and then went with a buddy of mine to see Wall-e in the cheap seats. I do love that show.

As far as the cleanse goes I did not take the flush this morning as both Pamela and myself had to be out of the house by 7:30 this morning and didn't relish the idea of getting up at 5:15 to down a litre of salt water and spend those wee' hours of the morning on the toilet. I did however have 3 movements on my own so sufficient elimination is happening.

I've been getting hungry more often today, I'm not sure if it's just being busier or if it's the change in schedule.

I am really hoping my tongue will be clear by day 10 because I'm so ready to be done.

I'm sad that day 10 is the church's mens group bbq which I'll be doing music at, but not able to partake in.

I'm only losing about a pound a day now which means that my body is starting to equalize.

I'm craving Pita Pit, and a Taco Salad from the cheescake Cafe!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day 7

Well, it's approximately 3 days until we can start to come off of the cleanse, which in and of itself is a 5 day process starting with Orange Juice, Veggie Broth, and a few other things in order to keep a person from shocking their system to bad.

That being said I'm feeling really good for day 7 and so if we end up having to go over 10 days due to our tongues not clearing up or our desire to continue to cleanse as a way of reducing weight. However having lost over 10 pounds now and 4 inches to my waist I can say that I'm feeling quite good and my desire for real sustenance again may just outweigh my desire to lose more weight. I suppose what's really become clear to me is a)how much unreasonable food I do eat, and b)how little the body actually needs to sustain itself. IT seems to me that I can eat quite reservedly and still be getting myself the equivalent of nutrition 12 tablespoons of lemon juice and Maple Syrup.

Still have that burn in the back of my throat a little bit but it's not so severe now, still losing a lot of waste when I do the flush in the morning, and it feels as though my stomach has shrunk substantially as I am having a hard time downing the litre of salt water in the morning now.

My parents are coming over today and so it may be the first time that Pamela and I are exposed to a temptation to break the fast, but given where we are at, even if we wanted to quit we should probably do a slow ease back into food for fear of shocking our systems to badly.

It's been good, but at this point I do'nt feel like I ever want to do it again! But after seeing all the benefits I'd be willing to give it another go I think. They say that at the beginning of the cleanse that you should pump yourself up for it, and being mentally prepared for this is definitely the key to success!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Day 6

Well over half way to minimum and we're doing allright.

I'm feeling tired today even though I slept for about 10 hours, hunger isn't really an issue though Haven't felt any all of yesterday or today. The burning in my throat has gone away which is good. I was a little sick to my stomach this morning, and downing the litre of salt water flush was quite difficult to get down and keep down, but I'm feeling much better now.

Mentally I'm getting pretty sick of the flush, there was nothing I wanted more than to make some waffles this morning or to go out for a Taco Salad with some friends, or figure out what kind of nuts this guy on '24' was eating b/c they looked tasty. It's making me wonder if I'm going to go beyond day 10 (and or tongue being uncoated) for the sake of reduction or not. At this point I almost just feel like I want to be done.

In conjunction with that feeling of just wanting to be done though I have been cooped up in this house for a few days by myself and that is really starting to wear on me. I'm definitely a level 10 extrovert and so having Pamela gone during the days and not being able to do anything more exciting than organize my iTunes and fold my socks has me feeling quite stir crazy. Hopefully this weekend will bring and opportunity to get out and do something.

Will be calling into Visions again today to see if they have my first day figured out yet, and no response from the Mines recruitment centre after two messages.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 5 of the master cleanse

This morning I'm at 9 pounds lost, 2.5 inches from my waist, 3 inches from hips, 2 inches of chest and 2 inches of legs. So as far as a reduction cleanse I'm believing in this.

I did Tae-Bo again today which got me sweating, probably one of the most amazing things is that I have more than enough energy to work out, despite the fact that neither Pamela nor I have been sleeping well the last few nights. We're not sure if it's a result of the cleanse but we've both had dreams and nightmares.

Yesterday I was noticing that for about half of the day I had a burning deep in my throat. Now I've never had heart burn, but I would describe this as 'adams-apple' burn or just above. Also this morning even though I drank 8 litres of water yesterday I was definitely not peeing pale this morning. I have no doubt that I'm ditching toxins like mad... which is good b/c my last two jobs involved Asbestos and McDonalds food...

Still waiting for a reply from Visions, Dropped off the stuff and the hiring manager wasn't there so I'm going to call in today and see where things are at.

Pamela and i came to the conclusion that the Master Cleanse is definitely an 'anti-social' cleanse. But that's only because it seems that most of the social events that we participate in involve food. Whether it's watching a movie with popcorn, sneaking jujubes into the theatre, going out for coffee and desert or playing board games. 

I'm not gonna lie but I'm craving foods like crazy, but it's not for hunger, but rather I miss the texture of food, the social aspects of food, the taste of food. So we've decided that we NEED to have a Steak at the Keg when we're done this with the stuffed potato and baseball sirloin with the three cheese sauce. We also NEED to have Pita Pit, and a taco salad from Cheescake. I've been craving greek but Pamela's not into that, and a friend was bugging me about how she went for a Sushi lunch. :(

So day 5 marks the halfway point for the minimum amount of days that you can do the cleanse. However if on day 10 you find that your tongue is still coated then you should continue. As well I'm torn because between this and tae-bo I'm on a good road to my goal weight and so I'm debating whether I should stay on it until I've reached that weight, which at the current rate will not take up to the maximum 40 days... We'll see how we're feeling. I think that we'll both have to quit at the same time or it may become to difficult for one to stay on it...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 4

Woke up this morning feeling pretty good. Had an 'elimination' before even taking the salt water cleanse but after that was feeling pretty clean. Still sore from my workout yesterday so I'm holding off on doing another one, although with the job not officially started yet I'm bouncing off the walls in the apartment. Says that me that I've definitely got enough energy!

The lemonade blend isn't tasting as bad anymore, but it still gives me a bit of a head rush. I tend to get 'hungry' about every 2 hours now which is perfect as that's the space between when I'm supposed to drink.

I'm realizing that I didn't have a very specific goal when I started this aside from 'general' health. But more and more I'm feeling like this should be a pretty good start to a healthier lifestyle for me. I'm realizing now that I'm not eating how much I snack! Whether it's actual things like jelly bellies we've got in the house, or making crackers and cheese I find myself standing up to go and grab them when I sit down to watch a movie with Pamela or sitting at the computer. I never felt like I snacked that much but now I'm aware and instituting some rules in my life to keep that from getting out of control!

Today I am spending my time cleaning up the house, playing with the new iTunes, seeing what a chip does to a Smart Diesel, and waiting for a phone call as to when my first day of work is.

Real Life Stuff

I am currently a conditional Hire at Visions Electronics in Lethbridge! Conditional meaning that there still running the credit and background check on me. I should be getting a call in a day or two to figure out when I'll be working my first shift and start training! Exciting.

This works really well if Pamela gets Pratt & Witney b/c it'll mean that we both have 'career-esque' jobs that give us a good reason to stick around lethbridge and community that we've formed here.

Exciting things about visions for me:
Discounts on Electronics
Full Commission Sales
Do'nt have to work sunday's until 11:30
8 minute walk to work.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Day 3

Well Day three of the cleanse and feeling good. Didn't sleep well last night, and i'm definitely feeling that my toungue is coated (this is one area where toxins can leave the body and be gotten rid of) The theory goes that you stay on this cleanse until your toungue is nice and pink again which happens anywhere between 10 and 40 days unless your a 3 times a day mcdonalds person... :)

This morning I opted to do a two litre salt water flush just to make sure I was cleaned out good and could really see if I was still having 'eliminations' If it runs clear for a few days it appears to mean that something isn't quite working right. Anyway two litres meant that for the next two hours I couldn't be farther than 20 feet from the bathroom b/c it definitely sneaks up on yah!

This morning I also did a 45 minute Tae-Bo workout. I wasn't sure what to expect given that it's been three days since I've had solid food, but it was no problem! Got through the workout and am feeling great!

The master cleanse is also a reduction cleanse, by giving the body what it needs and feeding it with the lemon juice cleanser it (in theory) can go and break down stubborn fat stores and b/c the body does not go into 'starvation' mode it also begins to eat away at fat stores. I'm definitely not a tiny guy and so this is one thing I am very excited about the master cleanse. So far I've gone from 262 pounds to 256. I'm curious to know if this rate of loss will continue, decline or accelerate. Some website I've read say that the cleanse can help you lose weight at a rate of 2 pounds per day, but that after the cleanse if you resume your old diet and lifestyle you will gain back 1/2 of that quickly and the other 1/2 over time.

In other Drew's Life News. I applied for two jobs yesterday, one with Milestone Mazda Subaru to be their lot attendant, and the other at Visions Electronics. I'm not actually sure, but I think that I've been conditionally hired at Visions, I have to bring back over 150 pages of paperwork and personality tests to them today and they need to run a credit/police check on me. But it should be pretty good if I can get it. It's 3 or 4 blocks from my house so I can walk to work, it's straight commission but that's never bothered me in the past, and we're coming up on Nov. Dec. which is when electronics stores do 50-60% of their yearly gross. Meaning that if I put in the time Theres lots of dough to be made.

So for those that care, another day in the life of Drew~

Oh, and this...

Monday, September 08, 2008

Day two...
Woke up feeling pretty good this morning, did the salt water flush which worked w/in the 1.5 hours it's supposed to.

Around 11:00 (we had the day off so slept in) we had our first shot of the lemonade, and it was quite pleasant this morning. I'm not sure if I'm getting used to the Cayenne or what it is but it didn't simultaneously it the top of my head and the bottom of my stomach!

Not feeling hungry after drinking lemonade, but usually about 2 or 2.5 hours after.

In other news, both Pamela and I have our motorcycles up for sale on Kijiji now... sniff* We are just not in a place where we can continue to support them w/o it being a stress. Also having ridden now for 3 and 2 years respectively we would like newer bikes and so we'll use whatever we can get from them to put into savings for the next big thing.


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Well, started the MASTER cleanse...

So today my wife Pamela and I started on the Master cleanse.

If your unfamiliar with what it is it's essentially a fast where the only thing you consume is a lemonade blend. 10 oz. of purified water, 2 tbsp of pure squeezed lemon juice, 2 tbsp of Dark organic maple syrup, and for spice 1/10th of a tsp. of cayenne pepper.
The quick and the dirty of what this mix does is: The lemon acts as a cleanser. It cleans everything from your kidneys to your liver to joints and even helps heal scars and old injuries. The Dark Organic Maple Syrup gives the body an available and easily used source of energy. It's ease of digestion means that the body doesn't have to use energy to digest it, but rather can use all the energy gained from the syrup to cleanse the body. The Cayenne pepper gives the drink a little kick, and at the same time helps the digestive system to continue functioning, this is important because the body needs a place to put and dispose of the toxins it cleans out. The water is well... water it's the oil for the body, does yah good!

DAY 1:
Well we started today off with the salt water flush which is designed to aid in the cleansing of the body. That was allright although salt water never does taste fantastic. It certainly did its job though, within about 30 minutes things were flowing quite nicely...

Around noon we juiced our first lemons (with our Magic Bullet) and added in our syrup and cayenne and took our first taste... SPICY WHEW! Also discovered their is a reason Aunt Jemima's has SO much sugar in it... straight up syrup is sweet... but definitely not in the sugar sense.

But as I write this we've put down three glasses of the mixture and have been impressed. I don't feel hungry so much as I almost miss the routine of food. 12:00 and 6:00 came and went without anything happening at all.

So things are going good for the first day. 9 more minimum, 39 more maximum!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thursday, August 07, 2008

WANT! Hang/Hank drum.

This is a Hang Drum. They are a new drum style made by two guys in switzerland or some jazz like that. I dig it. Unfortunately prices tend to range somewhere between 1000 - 10000 dollars I hear...

However some people have come up with an inexpensive attempt at recreating the attempt using a propane drum. I think these are neat as well and will definitely be trying to make one!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

I love these Cat things, and you'll be seeing a few of them consistently from now on!

Back in the World Wide Web.

So we've finally got internet in our place, and heres' the post-wedding bloggo!

First off, it's been over a month now since Pamela and I have gotten married and has been a wonderful start to the amazing life we are looking forward to living together. Not to say that there haven't been some ups and downs!

Down: When we first got to our apartment it hadn't been cleaned!
Up: Out in Tofino we got to see a humpback whale 'breach' (jump) (all 42 feet of it!)
Down: 3 weeks into living in our apartment we were kinda kicked out for 4 days so they could do some painting.
Up: We managed to convince them to give us cash for the days we were not allowed to stayhere.
Down: Our t.v. started acting funny
Up: In an insanely manly moment, I took the back of the t.v. off and ACTUALLY fixed the problem.
Down: My job is ridiculous with it's long hours.
Up: I've only got to do it for one more month!

So there are some little things. For family who might read this we do have our wedding photos back and some of them are posted on Flickr under my username 'drewfuspx' so you can see a few of them there, but we will get that DVD out as soon as we get our hands on the wedding videos and can work some Mac Magic on them!

Honestly it's hard to say a lot about what's going on in life, it feels like only now after 4 weeks of marriage that it's slowing down enough that we can breathe! I read a book the other day, we've watched a few movies, were starting to get into routines, have people over for visits, feel like we actually live somewhere. It's crazy!

But to conclude as far as marriage is concerned, let there be no shadow of a doubt, I am with THE only woman that can make me this happy! People can make all the ball and chain jokes they want but I feel a freedom now that I never saw coming, and I love having someone to share everything with, go to bed with each night, plan my life with. It's absolutely Grand!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Things are going well on this end. Busy busy with my new work, usually leave at 7:30 a.m. and get home at like 6:00 p.m. so makes for long days. 
My boss is pretty cool though today we were going to start early at 6:00 a.m. and so I was up and he called at 5:35 and said that the weather out there was crappy, he was up all night with his daughter, and so we weren't going to work today but to write down on my time sheet four hours.
What is it that I do? Oh I'm a fencer. Which is a lot more fun to tell people than to do I think. I've had people ask if that meant I used the swords and those funny masks i.e. fencing the sport. Nope... not that. I've also had people ask if that meant that I bought and sold stolen goods. Nope... not that either. I am a fencer, as in, I build fences. Barb wire, Wildlife, pole fences, residential, I can do it all!
Usually my day consists of a lot of walking, running a skid steer, ripping around on a quad, stretching wire, pounding posts, and stapling wire.
But the pay is pretty good and there is lots of overtime $$$ so for a young man 22 days from being married it is a good job! 

Monday, May 26, 2008

Ever wonder where things come from? Where they go? Or if we are going to be able to live th way we do now in 50 years? Check this out!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fuse Frenzy

The Gist of it is that instead of leaving at 12:30 and getting home at 3:00... we left at 12:30 and got home at 10:00 p.m.!!!

Pamela's motorcycle blew a fuse just when we left Calgary. We replaced that fuse and when we were about 10 minutes out from Vulcan the fuse blew again. We put in another got maybe a kilometer down the road it blew again. The next 8 fuses only took us about 200 meters. So we decided to take my bike to Lethbridge and bring my truck back to get Pamelas

Unfortunately both our bikes were loaded with stuff and we had no room so I ripped off to Vulcan on my bike and dropped my stuff off at the local Petro Can with Frank the friendly service station guy. From there I went to napa got some fuses and ripped back to my poor abandoned fiance. We put her bike on the side of the road and hopped on my bike and went back to the Petro Can and dropped her stuff off. 

We then pushed on through the WIND and RAIN and got to lethbridge in time to go to the Chiropractor after switching into my chevy. Then we went down to Princess Auto and picked up some straps and found a make-shift ramp in a dumpster nearby and headed back out to Vulcan. 

An hour later we picked up our stuff from friendly Frank at the service station and got back to the bike and pulled into the ditch to get the tail gate close to the ground for loading. Before we even got that set up two very friend guys stopped on the side of the road and offered to help us 'just lift it' into the truck. So out of the ditch I come and between me and this other guy we get the front tire up and then the back tire up with Pamela steadying it from up in the box. Our helpers then gave us 3 pounds of wire, told us to look them up for a drink or two if we were ever in Vulcan and left. After taking off the windscreen and mirrors we were able to get the bike secured up tight and began our hour journey home. Total kilometers today?

Calgary to North of Vulcan: 100 km

Where the bike stopped to Vulcan: 27 x 5

Vulcan to Lethbridge: 96 km's x3 (to Leth. and back and Leth. again)

Total - 523 km's!

Ended up being a long day but the bike is safe and sound here in Lethbridge now which is nice. Pamela had to miss work unfortunately but was able to get in touch with her boss. I will be looking into all the wiring in the weeks to come, but if we can't get it sorted may be bringing my truck with the bike in tow up to Calgary, or maybe to the farm depending on what is most convenient - prayers for it to be something easily fixable! But it's late for me so I'll talk to ya'll later!


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Finished up my first year on University with a Cumulative GPA of 3.51. Not to bad, could have been worse. With how little effort I felt like putting in between working and knowing that I was not coming back the next year it was hard to care. But in the end I think I did allright.

Also been sick the last few days. Throwing up, achy, the whole 9 yards. Lots of ginger-ale, watching t.v., playing video games. Pamela and I figure it has to do with my body just shutting down.

Speaking of Pamela my wife to be - that is only 59 days away now. It's terrifying to think of how much it seems like we have left to get done. But overall I think it'll all work out fairly  nicely - although the RSVP deadline we asked people to meet is tomorrow and we are still waiting for 88! So that's a little disheartening. Kind of that 'hey it's the biggest even of my entire life and you can't take the time to say your coming' feeling. But I guess that's the nature of people.

Waiting on 3 or 4 job replies here for the summer. Fingers are definitely crossed for a position that Pamela and I both applied for in Elk Valley. But Pamela's really busy these days working for the Commissionaires AND the City of Lethbridge. I'll also be hearing back here soon about a position with Platinum Communications. So life is moving along, even though I'm o.k. if it takes a week or so to get there. I'm zonked!

Talk to ya'll later!

Monday, April 21, 2008

SO I AM DONE SCHOOL. It is a fantastic feeling. I can't tell if I feel fantastic because the ending of school co-incided with my finishing at McDonalds. So perhaps it's the no longer working in a greasy environment eating greasy food, or if it has to do with the knowledge that unless I am lead back here I don't have to worry about tests and studying again!

But overall feeling good. Can focus solely on the wedding now and the potential to work in Elk Vally. Fantastic.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008

Things are so busy getting ready for weddings! :) But Pamela and I are doing o.k. we have our Photographer, reception, ceremony, caterers, honeymoon all booked. We're almost done the invitations and have our registry finished. We're feeling pretty good!

Aside from that I am just going a little bit insane with school, I just finished a paper for Philosophy of Mind in which I detailed how our language pre-disposes us towards Substance Dualism theory. Interesting and I enjoyed writing the paper, but it took a lot of time. I've got an insane packaging assignment due on tuesday for my New Media class, and two midterms next week. It just never seems like it is going to stop! But then I remember there is just 8 weeks left of school, which menas 16 school days for me and I'm all done which is great.

Speaking of being all done at this point it looks like I am not going to be going back to school next year. I think that Pamela and I are going to be taking the first year of our marriage to try to work, try and get a little bit established and maybe get some money in the bank. Actually have time to work on developing our community here! But yah later~

Saturday, February 23, 2008

G.K. Chesterton quote - "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's been a busy week, and you can pray for me if you like! Monday I worked until midnight, was up for school at 8:00 and did school until 4:20 after which I did Chiro and then Pamela came over and ended up being awake till midnight again. Then i worked a 6:00 a.m. shift on Wednesday and the rest of the day was filled with swimming and errands and stuff. Got to bed at a decent hour but still only got at most 9 hours of sleep and so haven't really 'caught up' and then another full day of school today before heading off to calgary tomorrow after a shift to do a bunch of wedding stuff. 

I think this feeling is called overwhelmed and my state is burnt out. It's o.k. I know it won't be forever but I'm really looking forward to this reading week and having some time to just relax, chill, not think, not reason, not carry...

Friday, February 08, 2008

I'll admit, I am a little bit surprised. Working for McDonalds isn't sucking out my soul, it's actually given me a boost.

I'm not sure if it's not having to worry about money as much, the fact that I work with some hilarious people, or that it's a job I've picked up in 3 shifts and thus feel confident and accomplished, but overall we're doin good.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

First Day at Mcdonalds!
Welp, it's done and official, I've got the uniform, I've asked someone if they wanted 'fries with that' and I've used my 50% discount to have a 2 dollar meal. I'm a McDonalds employee.

Here's the layout of 'what you get' if your a McDonalds Employee.
$9.50 starting wage.
$.10 raise for each night available to work until midnight.

1 McDonalds Blue hat
2 McDonalds Blue shirts
2 McDonalds Black pants

Post Secondary Tuition assistance.
$.25 for every hour worked up to a maximum of 500 dollars.

So that's about it. It's honestly not to shabby given that I have a 4 minute walk to get to work (although kinda makes my bus pas a little pointless - that was 220 bucks I didn't need to spend) I'm getting the exact shifts that I want Mon-Wed-Fri mornings. The people are pretty cool.

So that's that, maybe post some pictures if I can get past the lump of pride... Talk to you all later.

Friday, January 25, 2008

I'll have to supersize that...
So yeah, I've been hired at McDonalds... Not sure what job that I'm going to be doing, but as a university student who is getting married in the summer I needed to get a job thing going to get some money in that wedding fund.

Not sure how I'm feeling about working for a big terrible corporation. Feeling potentially a little dirty... will update you soon.

On the other hand, it will be interesting to see if all the things I learned about McDonalds in Sociology class. If nothing else I've always wanted to work in fast food a little bit and at a 7-11 a little bit.

So that's that, not sure how I feel! Later~

Monday, January 21, 2008

I guess that I forgot to post on this topic. I'm actually engaged! :) It happened on January 12 at about 1:30 on a ski hill near where Pamela and I live. It maked the 2 years anniversary from the very first day that PAmela and I had ever hung out and it was the first time she had taken me snowboarding so it worked out well!

But yeah figured I'd put it out here for posterity! dREW~

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

a day in the life of a dREW~

Sometimes i just think it's neat to hear exactly all the things that went on in a persons life in one day. Here's my current day.

Slept in toll about 10:00 because I don't have school on Wednesdays.
Showered and got ready to take on the world.
Worked on wedding guest list stuff, engagement announcement pdf, and figureing out how to bus down to the chiropractor.
Sent out engagement pdf.
Talked with my buddy Tobin about some stuff.
Hopped on a bus to the university.
Hopped on a bus to the city centre.
Walked to the Chiropractors office.
Chatted with a native guy d-town waiting for the Chiro to open.
Went to Leister's music and played a mini-djembe for 15 minutes.
Walked back to Chiro they were open now and got adjusted.
Walked to City Centre to hop a bus to the university.
Waiting at the university right know to catch a bus at 3:47
will go home, read like a mad man until having to leave for 7:15 reservations at Dionysius for Rodger's b-day party.
Will come home, play WOW with the boys for a while OR go to Pamela's house for a bit to cuddle and discuss wedding stuff.
Come home, write in my journal, sleep.

So yeah that's a day in the life of the Newly engaged dREW~

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Being tired and trying to figure out the philosophy of mind is not a good idea! But basically this is what I've gleaned from Jaegwon Kim's "Philosophy of Mind" Second edition.

Theres basically two ways to look at it and most other things fall under these. Physicalism which says that all mental processes happen in the physical (Has mass, effected by gravity, exists in time) realm. Then theres this Dualism thing, which I'm getting Mr. Kim isn't a fan of, which says that mentality exists seperately from physicality. 

So for Physicality we have this:
if X has a Mental Property (which we'll call M) and if X also has P (which is a physical property) Then it stands to reason that if X has P (physical property) then P has M (which is the mental property) So all Mental properties seem to emerge from physical properties, and the closer physical properties are together the closer then the mental properties of those physical objects will be. Whew - and believe me that's the simplified version.

When it comes to the Dualism part... I can't really say that I get it quite yet, although I feel like I agree with it more than I agree with Physicalism. I think it's probably b/c of my theological background that I'd like to think theres more than just this physical realm. But I'll keep ya'll updated if I discover some truth about Dualism

Aside from that I'm just ridiculous tired right know, pretty stressed out about school, and ready for some sleep!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Pawn shops are such a rip off.

So I go into a few music stores in lethbridge here today, and it turns out that none of them buy brass instruments. Which is sad b/c in an effort to help clean out my parents basement of their children's things I took my old Trombone from high school and figured I'd sell it. Someone may as well be using it right? So I ask my mum about what we payed for it and she figured somewhere between 400 and 600 so I'm thinking to myself o.k. so if I get like 200 bucks I'm doing fine.

But as i said before no one seemed to be willing to buy it so I ended up at King of Trade of have their 'were sort of a music store but mostly a pawn shop' ideals and I figured I'd see what I could get for it. I get up to the counter and theres this young guy at the counter and I'm going huh... this might be a bad idea. So I present the case to the guy and watch in pain as he fails to open it on the first try, attempts to pry the horn out of the case w/o undoing the latches and can't figure out how to open the storage for the slide grease. Then he's like 'well, we don't usually buy these but I'll look it up in the book'. Let's look at that statement - we don't USUALLY do this... but we've got a book that will tell us the price... huh.

O.k. so after he manages to find the trombone section he says to me this "we need to send away all instruments for cleaning at st.johns (music store in town) and that costs $40.00 and the closes one I can find to yours we buy for about $100.00 so I can give you $60.00. I'll admit I was caught a little bit off guard, I expected something lowball like 100 or 150 but... 60 bucks? So I said to the guy "I was looking at the trombones that you are selling over there that are like mine and they are going for $300.00 so can't you give me like 100 bucks for it? You'd still be making 160 on it right?" and his reply "well no if we are going to make a profit we can't go higher than $60.00 because we have to pay for it to get cleaned, have to drive up to Calgary (no idea what that was about), pay for the utilities in this place, pay my salary, and blah blah blah" - finally I just said "that's fine, I'll just put it on kijiji - or freecycle I'd feel less ripped off" and left.

So if I were to take this lesson literally what does it mean? It means that the pawn shop business must be TERRIBLE to get ahead in. If you purchase something for 60 bucks and sell it for 300 making 240 dollars you will 'apparently' JUST barely make a profit - You know b/c of all the trips to calgary and utilities...?! But then i saw that on that street there were 6 pawn shops and thought to myself oh wait... there just a rip off and that's all there is to it.