Friday, June 06, 2008

Things are going well on this end. Busy busy with my new work, usually leave at 7:30 a.m. and get home at like 6:00 p.m. so makes for long days. 
My boss is pretty cool though today we were going to start early at 6:00 a.m. and so I was up and he called at 5:35 and said that the weather out there was crappy, he was up all night with his daughter, and so we weren't going to work today but to write down on my time sheet four hours.
What is it that I do? Oh I'm a fencer. Which is a lot more fun to tell people than to do I think. I've had people ask if that meant I used the swords and those funny masks i.e. fencing the sport. Nope... not that. I've also had people ask if that meant that I bought and sold stolen goods. Nope... not that either. I am a fencer, as in, I build fences. Barb wire, Wildlife, pole fences, residential, I can do it all!
Usually my day consists of a lot of walking, running a skid steer, ripping around on a quad, stretching wire, pounding posts, and stapling wire.
But the pay is pretty good and there is lots of overtime $$$ so for a young man 22 days from being married it is a good job! 

1 comment:

Contact Information said...

I would love to make a movie short about this... "the Fencer".

It could be about a guy that gets the job and shows up in the tights with the sword and goes around challenging all you co-workers for leadership... and then there could be a rival company that you have to take over... or something like that.