Saturday, November 23, 2013

My Experience switching from iPhone to Android PT 3

So a little more time has passed and I feel like I am starting to get the hang of this, I am even writing this post using my s-Pen while the pre-show is playing at the theatre while we wait to see the new Hunger Games.

I plug it into cars and it does not work. Maybe it is a Subaru and Jaguar but the iPhone plugged in and all my tunes and audio books were available while it charged. This highlights a common issue I see with the Droid. Because there are So many different Android devices accessories are a little rough to find. If I had an iPhone best buy Has 100 cases and chargers for the Note? 2 cases. As a manufacturer of cars if you are compatible with Apple your good with pretty much every Person on iOS 7 whereas again to many devices to count with Android.

Audio Books are Frustrating! I put them in there own file on my expandable disc and plus it in and the audio player loads them in with my tunes and so Random becomes an adventure of skipping past all the audio books on the device.

This thing is like a computerl Lots of downloads access to the File system and the Google play store is definitely growing on me. Love the S pen and I am very happy with the camera compared to my iphone 4. Though at an event the other day Comparing my Panorama to a friend with the iPhone 5s hers was way better.

That about wraps it for now. I will continue to try and journal The Journey.

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