Monday, November 09, 2009

Major Thoughts from the last weeks...

1. Microsoft Frustrated Me!
I own an xbox 360 and I use a third party memory card to carry my profile with me. This way when I go to a friends house and we play a game together the advances and time I spend there can come home in my pocket with me and be used on my own xbox. I chose a DATEL memory card because I got 2GB of space for less than the cost of Microsofts 512mb card. The latest update for my xbox came down from the intertubes the other day and guess what. I can no longer access my memory card. This update's only purpose? Block third party memory cards. A LITTLE WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE. Conclusion that seems prevalent on the net - Microsoft is basically using the update to force you to buy their stuff.
p.s. I was able to recover my gamer profile but did lose some data, FRUSTRATING!

2. Soon I'll have Snow Leopard!
My wife Pamela and I purchased The Mac Box Set recently from the apple website so we can finally upgrade to the new Mac OS. We are still running Tiger, which is good but I'm definitely starting to see it's limitations. The Box set will upgrade our iLife, and iWork as well as the OS. Unbeknownst to me it turns out that the regular snow leopard disk would work as well. Apple decided to imply that you could not do that on their website. To me it does not matter because I did want authentic copies of ilife and iwork, but it would be nice to be given options.

1+2 = REALLY frustrating that the major manufacturers of personal computers are both getting very good at SCREWING people out of their money through these sneaky sneaky ways!

3. Happiness...
Pamela and I have been discussing much lately whether or not we are truly happy in Lethbridge. She is in school as a history major and is liking University and working part time as an employee of the city of Lethbridge. I'm working full time as the Foreman/Manager of Lethbridge Toyota's detail department. What does this mean? I organize, do inventory for, and participate in the cleaning of cars. It's o.k. there's some high points (I've cleaned a Porsche and an Audi TT recently) but overall I'm feeling this incredible sense of having topped out the position and not really having much other options in the job. I also had my 1 yr. anniversary there on Nov. fourth. Despite all I have learned, and the MR2 I now drive because of working there I couldn't help but feel like I had wasted 1 year of my life on cleaning cars a little bit. SO we are looking at the future a little more intensely - I'm thinking of going back to school and am waffling between going towards a trade of some kind (electrician perhaps?) and University to go for a degree in Multimedia Design or something similar. Essentially we hope to make some changes before the end of the coming summer.

4. Location Location Location:
We currently live in Lethbridge. My parents used to live an hour away and we saw them often, they have now moved to Sylvan Lake which is approx. 4 hours away. We have some good solid friends here but cannot feel like our community is lacking a little bit. Lately when we visit Calgary where Pamela's parents and a lot of our friends live we get an overwhelming sense of community and well-being, this is leading us to think that we would like to move back. But this will be dependent on the decisions we make regarding point 3.

5. MR2
I have new rubber and rims on the MR2 which is kinda fun, and am hoping that the car continues to run as well as it has been so far. Future things I need to do is adjust my throttle positions sensor, purchase new spark plug wires. I may also have a few dead sensors that need replacement as the vehicle is running a little rich. But I will hold off on replacement until I've done as much tinkering as is possible. Reason for this is that it could simply be that the Mass Air Flow sensor is covered in gook, or perhaps my intake is all greased up. Many things it could be, just need a little free time to get all those things patched up. ;)

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