Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Forget test taking, how about test writing!!!

So as a university student there are these times when I get to have multiple exams all stacked up on eachother, which pretty much sums up my week. 3 midterms in 3 days.

Now I'm o.k. with this, I understand the neccesity of having 'testing' in the way that we've constructed our education system in the sense of a 'confirmation of learning' despite all of the frustrations, paranoia, and conditions that people have as a result of this.

HOWEVER, when I go to write a test at the university level and the question is worded this way:
Which of the following are NOT an example of:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. None of the Above.

I get a little frustrated because the answer is D. But that creates a sentence that looks like this. - Which of the following are NOT an example of NONE of the above. - now I'm a psych major, not an english major, but that's a double negative right??? And those are considered to be bad karma in writing I think.

So I've done what any good student would do, I wrote my proff... we'll see if I get a response.

Aside from that other news is that I'm working as an alternate for Chinook Carriers now, so next week I will be working midnight shifts, and going to university. Should be interesting...

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