Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The end of the Cleanse.

So, I have one day left of the Cleanse, and i have to say that I am absolutely looking forward to it. I’m totally sick of it! The last few times that I’ve done the cleanse, the end has always been exciting, but I was more excited about all the weight I had lost and how much better I was feeling. This time around it seems to me that I’m more concerned about FOOD again. But probably a good part of that was because I was living with someone who was eating regular food, and had to work whereas before we always timed this with vacations. Long story short, I’m a little concerned that I’m going to have a hard time resisting bingeing on all the foods that I was not able to have these last two weeks.

Anyway 7 more drinks to go, and then a day of orange juice, then veggies, and then... steak on Sunday!

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